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How to improve the performance of your company’s PC?

How to improve the performance of your company's PC?

Have you ever felt the frustration of realizing that work computers take a long time to start up and perform simple tasks? It is a common problem that can cost organizations a lot of money and time. Fortunately, there are solutions for anyone wondering how to improve the performance of their company’s PC.

Some of the suggestions can be carried out routinely to maintain a good speed on corporate computers. Others involve hardware upgrades or changes that are usually carried out by technicians or someone experienced in the subject.

Would you like to learn more about improving PC performance and why this effort is important for the workplace? Continue reading!

How important is good PC performance in the company?

Many managers and leaders still don’t realize how much time and effort can be saved when they keep their computers running at peak performance. The best thing the company can do for the computer, and for itself, is to ensure that devices remain fast at all times.

Below, understand why it is worth investing in optimizing the company’s PC performance.


Automation is one of the main benefits of good PC performance in the corporate environment. Upgraded devices can perform repetitive and complex tasks efficiently and accurately without the need for constant intervention.

For example, a program can be configured to process large volumes of data and generate detailed reports, eliminating the need to do this manually. It’s a way to save time and allow employees to focus on more strategic activities.


Computers are extremely reliable in performing complex calculations and processing information without errors. Using them without bottlenecks and errors is especially valuable in industries that depend on accurate data.

The reliability of computers in executing commands and calculations reduces the risk of human error, resulting in more reliable operations.


High performance computers directly contribute to greater company productivity. Fast startup and the ability to run applications smoothly save employees precious time.

This means less time waiting and more time actually working. Additionally, an efficient PC allows employees to complete tasks faster, resulting in an overall increase in production.


Data security is a central concern for companies. A PC with optimized performance can run antivirus and antimalware programs more effectively, protecting the system against cyber threats.

Additionally, quickly updating software and running security checks are essential to keeping company data safe.


When a PC doesn’t crash or freeze frequently, activities can proceed without unwanted interruptions. It is a stability that translates into a more productive and effective team, which is not hampered by delays and frustrations resulting from technical problems.

By adjusting PC settings according to the company’s specific needs, it is possible to avoid bottlenecks and problems that could cause crashes. For example, if an old program is consuming a lot of resources, updating it allows tasks to run smoothly again.

Likewise, viruses and malware can infiltrate the system, causing slowdowns, crashes, and other problems. With security measures, such as antivirus and firewalls, it is possible to keep these threats at bay and ensure an agile and stable work environment.

How to improve your computer’s performance?

Computers become slower as they age, which negatively affects their performance. So, what is the solution to improve device performance? Below, we have separated the main solutions, both those that are simpler and faster and those that are more technical. Check out!

Uninstall unnecessary software

Typically, new computers come with applications and system tools that most users will never use, which will only waste space. So to increase system performance you should always remove non-essential apps.

To uninstall non-essential apps on your Windows 10 computer, follow these steps:

  1. open settings;
  2. click on Applications;
  3. click on Apps and features;
  4. select the application to be removed;
  5. click on the Uninstall button;
  6. uninstall apps from Windows 10.

If there are apps that haven’t been used in years, now might also be a great time to get rid of them. You’ll likely free up some space and close the door to hackers who might try to exploit vulnerabilities in this software.

Limit programs at startup

When a computer starts, it automatically opens a series of programs that can impact the overall system performance. These software, many of which are not essential to the user’s immediate tasks, consume valuable resources, affecting the PC’s speed and efficiency.

In Windows 10, when accessing the Task Manager, you can see detailed information about the amount of RAM that each program consumes during PC startup. This makes it possible to identify applications that can take up valuable resources and affect overall system performance.

In Task Manager, you can adjust startup settings. If a program is negatively impacting your PC’s operation, you can disable its automatic startup and choose to only run it when necessary.

Add more RAM to your PC

RAM, or random access memory, makes up the computer’s short-term memory. In it, the PC temporarily stores the data needed at the moment or that will soon be accessed, avoiding searching through all the information on the hard drive.

When the computer’s speed does not match expectations, a possible solution is to purchase more RAM. Such an upgrade strengthens performance, especially in cases of insufficient memory.

However, some considerations are necessary when choosing the appropriate RAM for a PC motherboard. It is crucial to ask, for example, how much RAM is already present, how much more RAM you need, what capacity your PC supports and what specific type of RAM is recommended.

With the right amount on hand, you’ll be ready to boost your desktop’s performance through memory upgrades. However, it is worth mentioning that it is recommended to leave the RAM update in the hands of a specialized technician. An experienced professional can evaluate the maximum expansion capacity and carry out the installation.

Consider an SSD at startup

SSD (Solid State Disk) is a more modern type of storage compared to traditional HDs (Hard Disks). While HDs use mechanical parts to access data, SSDs employ flash technology, which results in more speed and efficiency.

While conventional HDs have read and write speeds in the range of 50 to 120 MB/s, entry-level SSDs start at 200 MB/s. It is common to find SATA options offering speeds between 500 and 550 MB/s.

The SATA category of SSDs, which uses connections compatible with SATA HDs, can be installed on any PC or notebook with the corresponding ports. It is worth mentioning that these SSDs have the same 2.5 mm format as HDDs.notebooks. On the other hand, NVMe SSDs require support from the motherboard and are more suitable for more modern machines.

It is worth mentioning that it is necessary to consult the motherboard or PC manual to check the compatibility of an SSD of this type. If you don’t feel confident installing an SSD, seek help from a professional to avoid the risk of violating the computer’s warranty terms or damaging machine components.

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